Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's called a job...

    I got my job back, at Men's Wearhouse.  I love this job, I really do. However, I'm 3 weeks in and I am EXHAUSTED.  Now, I am at home more than I'm at college. I'm on the road more than I sleep. I work more than I study. Who knew that working 2 hours from where I live could be so rough? I guess I had an idea... I knew this would happen. Which it's fine, I am keeping my grades up and I get to see my boyfriend more... kinda. I get to see my momma more... which I know makes her happy. I'm making enough money to keep me happy. But gosh darn it's almost not worth it. I am tired... no, exhausted. I'll make sure I don't go stir crazy... and if that starts too happen, then back to the normal Tallahassee life I go.   Which would stink, because I love being around my sister and nephew more than anything in the world, and I don't want to give that up.  I'm pretty sure that without those two people in my life, I wouldn't be half of who I am, and that's enough for me too keep traveling back and forth. This is nuts.

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