Sunday, February 26, 2012

Because I can't say this over the phone...

 If you're reading this,  

     The one thing I want right now, more than anything in the entire world, is for you to be you again. Going through so much, for so long, I'm ready for it to be over. I miss our friendship; driving home from school, windows down, music blaring, singing out our lungs. All the clothes that we borrowed from each other, or stole... I miss that too. I remember when you used to try and teach me guitar... too bad I got all the athletic genes and you got the musical ones. I used to absolutely hate having to go to all those operas while you were in college; but if I could, I would take listening to those concerts everyday if it meant having things back to how they used to be. When we used to take stupid pictures, or make dumb videos of us singing the Dixie Chicks... those are the times I remember. I want more of that.
     I understand that things change. Everyone grows up, we all move on... but you're one person who I wish I never had to move on from. I shouldn't have to. After everything that has happened, after being torn apart time and time again, I still just want you back in my life. Whether it's the old you, or a new you, I don't care... I dream of the days that we can be best friends again. I don't want to wake up one morning and realize that this much of my life has passed me by and we never mended back together.
     It's one thing to lose my best friend, but for it to be my sister too... that's one thing I don't want to have to regret for the rest of my life.

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